Drapery Cleaning

Your draperies are likely a large investment that given the proper care can last for many years. To extend the life of your draperies it’s important to clean and care for them on a routine basis. As a general rule of thumb, drapes should be cleaned approximately every two to three years, depending on if they’re used in a home or business environment. The frequency your drapes need to be cleaned will also depend on other factors such as if they’re exposed to smoke, what type of heating system you own, and if the draperies are touched by children or pets. When drapes are professionally cleaned by Russell’s, you can double or even triple their lifespan.
Every day, your draperies are exposed to airborne grime, dust, and pollutants that can affect your health. As draperies are designed to be hung over windows and doors, the fabric may also come in contact with insects, as well as moisture which can increase the risk of mold or mildew growth. Constant exposure to sunlight can also be damaging to the fabric changing the color and making them more fragile. Most curtains will be dry cleaned following the care label in order to reduce the risk of shrinkage, while others may need to be wet cleaned in order to remove any water based stains that dry cleaning won’t remove.
Russell’s has several options for your drapery cleaning needs: take down/rehang service, pickup and delivery, or you can drop them off to either of our locations for cleaning. Your draperies will be carefully inspected to determine the safest cleaning method to use while insuring the best cleaning outcome.